Monday, April 4, 2011

The Road To El Dorado

While doing some hand sewing alterations I popped in the children's movie The Road To El Dorado. First off Elton John did the soundtrack and Hans Zimmer did the score making the music worth watching. Plus it is has some funny adult humor mixed in. But at the end one of the main characters becomes worried about what is to come next" "We don't have a map! We don't have a plan!", "That is half the adventure!" screams the girl. And by golie I enjoy this quite a bit.

I have always been the one with the plan, something a head of me, something that I am building up to and it has been great. But right now I don't have anything and I am going to do whatever I damn well please. And why not? People are like this their whole lives and I am adopting it full force. Day by day!

Let the games begin!


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