Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dangers of Being a Fashion Designer

We really do beat ourselves up in this profession needless to say in the "real" world (whenever that is and happens) you would not do everything yourself. You would hire stitch bitches to do a lot of the work.

List A: Sharp Objects
Rotary Cutters
Seam Rippers
Pattern Tracer (a sharp spiked wheel with a handle)
Awl and Hammer

List B: Heated Objects
Irons, the obvious one
Steamers (steam burns at a higher degree than metal)
Lighters (burning fabric, melting nylon thread)
Stove (dyeing fabric)

List C: Machines
Industrial Straight Stitch (very fast, you can sew through your finger)
Industrial Overlock (very fast, exposed blade)
Home Machines (side cutter, extremely hot light)
Home Overlock (exposed blade)

Things you probably should not do:
Sew over pins
Cut towards you
Iron clothing on a dress form
Loop a measuring tape around your neck multiple times
Keep pins in your pocket
Put pins in your mouth


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