Friday, November 25, 2011


When we went around the table at thanksgiving when I was a child I would be sentimental; come up with something cute and meaningful and make everyone tilt their heads and smile. But in the last recent years I have felt the need to try and find something ridiculous and silly to say. So as my family comes up with things like: having us all together, everyone being healthy and that we all have jobs; I start to jiggle and fidget about. I do not know why this is, maybe I don't want to be mushy in front of all of them and by all, I mean my four immediate family members, one set of grandparents and my second mom, so its not like I don't love these people. Nor am I not able to say 'i love you' because I am and I think that I am very affectionate with people I care about but there is just something about that day and having to say nice things because it is the actual day for giving thanks. So I said I was thankful for the invention of silk because without silk we wouldn't have a lot of the things we have today. Hahaha, and if you replace the word silk with pretty much anything you have a fool proof thanks.


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