Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie"

This book is fantastic. It's a children's book written by Laura Numeroff. So if you give a mouse a cookie he'll want a glass of milk and if you give him that he'll want a long slew of other things. Sometimes I catch myself thinking "well if I get that then I am going to have to get that too" sort of thing. At work today we all took an ice cream break in Annie and my office. CEC, papa and sprinkles all came in and we had ourselves a laugh of a good time. Sprinkles (nicknamed for the sole reason that she LOVES sprinkles) had to of course run across the hall to her office to get her sprinkles stash because "what is ice cream without sprinkles?!? Good call. Long story short there are sprinkles everywhere. I mean e v e r y w h e r e. It is definitely the herpes of baking supplies.  We will be finding them for the next couple of weeks like you do when glitter gets on you.


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